Faith and Wellness

Stepping into Alignment.

Stepping into Alignment: Embracing your true essence unapologetically

September 02, 20246 min read
Spiritual Buddha

Have you ever felt like you're living someone else's life, disconnected from who you truly are? I remember the day when I thought our whole world just collapsed. I was working so hard to chase this vision I had and we were on the right track, and then all of a sudden I was trapped. Trapped in a life that had no purpose. Were I felt like I was stuck in a vicious cycle and becoming someone I didn't recognize. That's when I knew it was time to for things to change.

When we are in alignment with our true essence, then that means we are living authentically, fully embracing who we are without fear or compromise. It’s a state where our thoughts, actions, and beliefs are in harmony, allowing us to walk confidently in our purpose and truth, guided by our inner wisdom and faith. If that doesn't sound like you, then it's a sign you may not be in alignment with your true essence. When you're out of alignment, you may feel disconnected, uncertain, or like you're constantly trying to meet the expectations of others. Instead of flowing through life with clarity and purpose, you might feel stuck, frustrated, or like something is missing. This imbalance often shows up as stress, lack of fulfillment, or a nagging feeling that you're not living the life you're truly meant to live.

Now that we’ve explored what alignment looks and feels like, let’s take a closer look at what might be keeping you out of alignment. One of the biggest barriers to living authentically is the pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations. Our whole lives we are told what to do, what to think, how to live, what's acceptable and what's not, constantly being judged over and over again. Living in fear of what others will think or say. I'm sorry, but to me... That isn't living.


I vividly remember the moment I had enough. I was exhausted from constantly trying to please others—bending over backwards so people wouldn’t judge me or my family. And it all came to a head during the pandemic, a time when we were already feeling isolated, alone, and silenced. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never liked being told what I can and can’t do. That’s when I made the decision to stop playing society’s games and start living for myself. In that moment, I drew strength from Philippians 4:13: 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' I realized that with faith, I had the power to break free and live in alignment with my true essence, trusting that I am capable of anything I put my mind to.

Now that we’ve explored how societal pressures can pull us out of alignment, I'd like to focus on the solutions. Breaking free from these expectations is just the beginning—next comes the journey of reconnecting with your true essence and intentionally stepping into alignment. This is where what I call 'Soulwork' comes in. It’s a time to pause, reflect, and ask yourself: Are the life choices you're making truly yours? Are you living a life you love? Is your family aligned with your values and beliefs, or are you all simply following a path set in motion by others? And if you answered yes to that, there’s no shame in it! I, too, was living a life shaped by my parents’ beliefs. As a child and young adult, those values provided a solid foundation, but I didn’t realize that, at some point, it was time for me to create my own path. To step into my vision and build a life filled with purpose and joy.

I have to admit, my vision doesn’t exactly fit society’s standards. I’m a certified Natural Health Professional, Angelic Reiki Master/Teacher, and Medium, yet I remain deeply rooted in both my religious and ancestral beliefs. I can’t count how many times I’ve been criticized for following my passion, accused of leading people astray because it supposedly 'isn’t of God.' Some have even expressed concern for my children, simply because I believe in raising them with a foundation of faith and wellness—connecting to the natural resources and wonders of the world around us, living holistically, abundantly, and in alignment with what feels right for us, not what others deem 'proper.' So, I took a step back. I stripped away everything I had been taught by my family, church, friends, and teachers, and I gained a clear vision of what was truly right for me and my family, and man I wish I did this sooner!

You, too, can take a step back and embark on your own journey toward alignment. Begin by letting go of comparison and the pursuit of perfection; remember that your path is uniquely yours. Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire you. Setting clear boundaries is essential—learn to own your voice respectfully, asserting your needs and beliefs without apology. As you navigate this process, hold onto the encouragement of Romans 12:2: 'Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.' This verse reminds us to break free from societal expectations and embrace the life that aligns with our true essence. Trust that by prioritizing your well-being and authenticity, you can cultivate a fulfilling life that resonates with your values and dreams.

Spiritual Alignment

Embracing your true essence unapologetically is about living authentically and confidently, free from the chains of judgment and societal expectations. It looks like being honest with yourself about your desires, values, and passions, and making choices that reflect who you truly are. To live unapologetically, start by identifying what makes you feel alive and fulfilled—whether that’s pursuing a passion, expressing your beliefs, or simply being yourself in any setting. Create a daily practice of self-affirmation, reminding yourself that your worth is inherent and doesn’t depend on others' opinions.

Take actionable steps by setting aside time for self-reflection, practicing self-compassion, and surrounding yourself with those who celebrate your individuality.

As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and authenticity, I invite you to join my 90-day coaching program, Inspire & Align. Together, we will explore the depths of your true essence and develop strategies to live holistically and unapologetically.

In the words of 1 Peter 2:9: 'But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.' This verse serves as a powerful reminder that now, more than ever, you are meant to shine brightly in the world.

I encourage you to embrace your true essence unapologetically, and I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Share your journey with me in the comments or through social media; let’s inspire each other to live authentically and fully.

xoxo, Tiffany

True EssenceAlignmentAuthentic LivingSelf-DiscoverySoulworkPersonal GrowthHolistic WellnessMindfulnessLiving UnapologeticallySetting BoundariesSpiritual AlignmentEmpowermentFaith and Wellness
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Tiffany Patterson

Meet Tiffany, a passionate visionary on a mission to empower women to embrace their true selves and embody the sacred beings they were meant to be. With unwavering dedication and a heart ablaze with purpose, Tiffany has embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and now she's here to guide others on the same path.

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